21 Oct 2020

Day for Daniel - SRC initiative - This year we will be supporting Day for Daniel and during that week discussing with classes the importance of safety. Friday 30 October we ask all students and staff to wear red and have a gold coin donation. Posters advertising this have been placed around the school.
What is Day for Daniel? Day for Daniel is Australia’s largest day of action to raise awareness for child safety, protection, and harm prevention. Held annually on the last Friday of October, Day for Daniel honours the memory of Daniel Morcombe. The theme is ‘Wear Red, Educate and Donate’. Parents, carers, and educators are encouraged to start a conversation with children and young people about personal safety. Schools and early learning centres conduct child safety education activities, using the Foundation’s free Keeping Kids Safe resources. Day for Daniel is the Daniel Morcombe Foundation’s biggest fundraiser of the year. Fundraising helps continue free education programs, resource development and support for young victims of crime. As a school we will be using some of these resources to teach our children about safety.
Why do we wear red? We ask people to wear red on Day for Daniel in remembrance of Daniel Morcombe. Daniel was wearing a red t-shirt on Monday 7 December 2003 when he found himself in an unsafe situation. Wearing red links Daniel’s very real story to the importance of safety education. It provides a message of strength and hope that together we can make the world safer for all children as a legacy to Daniel and his family. I have provided a link to the website for you to discuss further with your children. This also includes links to a board game you may like to print off and play as a family.
https://danielmorcombe.com.au/wp-content/uploads/2020/06/DFD- 2020-FAQ.pdf